Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Marion Steam Shovel Co.

This is the company my father-in-law worked for after he returned from World War II - The Marion Steam Shovel Co.  The company changed its name to Marion Power Shovel Company in 1946 to reflect the industry's change from steam power to diesel.  I read some years ago about one of their products being dug out of the ice in Siberia.  It was used as an example of the waste of the early communist governments.  I could't find a photo of it.  I did, however, find those below.  By the way, the postcard above was post marked 1921 and addressed to Mrs. E. G. Chamberlain of Akron, Ohio from Zoe.

Marion Model 91, Culebra Cut, Panama Cana

lThis Marion Model 91 shovel on display in Le Roy, New York is the only example known to exist. This shovel is included on the National Register of Historic Places.

1923 Bucyrus Model 50-B at the Nederland Mining Museum

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