Viennoise was a brand of Belgian beer. I'm not sure what years it was brewed, but it wasn't available when I lived there from 1987-1993. The sign above is of the type that hung in cafes (it's 9.5 x 14 inches) and I purchased it at a flea market. Belgian beer signs are easy to date because they're required to have the tax number and date either painted on the sign or affixed on the back. In very small letters in the bottom left corner, it says the tax was paid at Anvers in 1950 and the tax number is 512-304. The sign was make by J. Schuybroek S. A., Hoboken-Anvers. Anvers is better know here as Antwerp.
At the top right corner is a signature of the sign is the signature of the artist L. Ruymen, '50, Anvers.
The label below is from a bottle of Viennoise.
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