Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I love Doonesbury this week with it's spot-on impersonation of the Donald. I just love the way they draw his hair.

He does, however, getting a little tiresome. I guess that's the best the GOP can do at this time. Actually it may be the best either party can do. Those who should be taken seriously aren't. The Sarahs and Donalds are at the top of the polls. David Brooks had a good article in yesterday's NY Times about trump and his ilk.

I decided a while back that I no longer want to travel by air (unless I decide to return to Europe). To make it through security, you have to wear gym shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops, and have no large scars (the scanners see them and the agents are perverse voyeurs who want to see them). I can't do flip flops -- got ugly feet. I look at it as an inconvenience I can do without. Maureen Dowd's article from today's Times shows how perverse it's become. Touch my daughter like that and you're a dead person (man or woman).

The Communist Party in Cuba chose Jose Ramon Machado as the second in charge of the party at their recent convention. He's 80 years old! Let it go! Where are the uprisings there? Those people have been screwed for the last 50 years by this guy and his Castro cronies. Rise up!

More importantly, there was an article in the Times about the drug problem in Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio -- an hour from where I grew up. It's only been a few months since they posted an article about unemployment in Gallipolis and the dire prospects for any long-term, let alone short-term remedies to the situation. We were in Athens, Ohio a couple of years ago and read about the drug problems in the local media and saw the effects of it in places like Glouster, Nelsonville, and Corning. Friends in central Ohio told us about problems in Circleville, Ashville, and South Bloomfield. Sad to see. It would be good to see things correct themselves, but I'm not optimistic. Tell your children to get out at the first opportunity.

Stay informed!

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