Monday, April 18, 2011

Trump for President

I guess it's pretty safe to assume that the Daily News are not taking the Donald very seriously in his bid for the presidency. I don't either, but I'll bet a lot of people will vote for him. He has already changed his stance on abortion and universal health care, so what else will he flip/flop on?

As to the above cover, the article states that Professional clowns were not offended by the suggestion that Trump was one of them - they say it's only natural. "The association between clowns and politicians goes back a long way, so we don't tend to get bothered by it," said Earl (Orky the Clown) Temkin of the World Clown Association. "Besides, Trump would fit in pretty well - with his hairstyle he wouldn't need a wig," Tempkin said. "It's pretty hard to take a lot of these politicians seriously."

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