Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Waterway Ferry

Took the ferry from Wall St. to Hoboken this evening and took some pictures. I try to do it every couple of months to catalog the differences in the skyline.

This is a photo of the Trump Soho. What a f****n blowhard he is. He questioned Obama's birth. Now he's questioning his education. Stupid people love conspiracies. What does that make the Donald? I had a clown picture of him, but misplaced it. Otherwise, the photos would be side by side.

You can see the new 7 World Trade Center and the other building that they're building to be part of the WTC in this photo. It only took them 10 years. Amazing!!

Police boat at the Wall St. heliport. That normally means Obama is on his way to the city and it's a good thing to leave.

Can anyone explain to me what this does?

Been a long day. Maureen Dowd had a good article in the NY Times today. Read it.

What about Petraeus as the head of the CIA? Good idea?

Stay informed.

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