Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Irish Book of Days

July 20 - Bob Geldoff, rock musician, stages the Live Aid charity rock concert, raising over seventy million dollars for African famine relief (1985).

July 21 - John B. Keane, playwright and fiction writer, is born (1928).

July 22 - The anti-Fianna Fail Army Comrades Association, which developed into a fascist-inspired group nicknamed the "Blueshirts" is outlawed (1933).

July 23 - In opposition to the Act of Union, Robert Emmet leads an armed outbreak that is easily suppressed (1803).

July 24 - Lord Dunsany, fantasist, playwright, and short story-writer, is born (1878).

July 25 - Elizabeth Hamilton, author and educator, is born (1758).

July 26 - George Bernard Shaw, famous worldwide as an eccentric playwright, essayist, and social reformer, is born (1856).

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