Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The British invite you to celebrate the holidays as they do: watching Doctor Who

Watch out for snowmen!BBC AmericaJenna-Louise Coleman, Matt Smith

Here’s what’s up in the world of TV for Tuesday, December 25.
Doctor Who (BBC America, 9 p.m.): While we here in the United States stop watching TV in such large proportions roundabouts December 15 that our major networks are terrified to program anything after that date, the British have no such concerns. Indeed, it seems like the entirety of that nation sits down on its collective couch on Dec. 15 and doesn’t stop watching TV until January 1, when all good Britons look up and stare in befuddlement at the arrival of a new year. Anyway, that means it’s time for the Doctor Who Christmas special, and Alasdair Wilkins is here to spread the good news of murderous snowmen. Tally ho!

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