Today is Tuesday, the 17th day of November 2020. We lost electricity this morning at 8:42 and it resumed at 10:40. I wasn't here, but figured it out by the clock that resets itself to 12:00 when the power comes back on. Katie and I took a ride up to Narrowsburg for gasoline at Citgo, a few groceries from Pete's and a stop at the post office to send a couple of packages and buy postage stamps that don't have Santa Claus on them. I bought some stamps last December and all they had was Santa stamps and then I didn't need the stamps; so I've been sending things to people all year with Santa Claus stamps. What few I have left I'll use next month.
I found this excerpt from a new book, A Demon Haunted Land: Witches, Wonder Doctors and the Ghosts of the Past in Post-WWII Germany, by Monica Black. She is a professor of history at the University of Tennessee and the author of Death in Berlin: From Weimar to Divided Germany.
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Wilhelmsplatz 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This past Saturday, Lindy McDaniel, who pitched for 21 years in the big leagues and became one of baseball’s most dependable relievers in spite of the mostly mediocre teams he labored for, died at the age of 84. See obit here. As interesting tidbit from his obit was the following: On May 10, 1959, he pitched for the Cardinals in both games of a doubleheader against the Cubs. He was the losing pitcher in the first game and the winner in the second while the Cubs' Elmer Singleton won the first and lost the second, a symmetrical happenstance that, according to the website, had occurred only twice before. Of course, this couldn't happen today. Modern pitchers are good for seven innings at most. In the last full season (2019) seven complete games were pitched, four (4) in the American League and three (3) in the National League. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For those of you who enjoy deviled eggs, here's a good story from The Bitter Southerner, a website whose aim is to "uncover the American South in all its truth and complexity." My son made deviled eggs for all those special occasions -- Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, a good BBQ -- before relocating to warmer climes. They were second to none. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Belgium has been putting out a lot of IPAs recently. I found this one this morning at Pete's in Narrowsburg. It has a little bite at first (being 8.5% ABV) but becomes quite pleasing after a couple of more sips. A couple of these is enough. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kentucky's Meat Shower of 1876 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll be late tomorrow. I have to go to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions. |
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