Sunday, February 22, 2009

Phineas Fogg Didn't Have It This Good

Around the world in 90 days rather than 80.  Passepartout would have the loved the leisure involved with this one--and for less than $1,000!  I've always felt it would be "braggable" to make it around the world by air, making at least a dozen stops.  Can you imagine doing it by boat, making lots more stops?  Taking the train from Sydney to Perth?  The Trans-Siberian Railway?  Too cool.  

Far more interesting is that this is an advertisement from 1938 and the shipping line is a German carrier.  Considering what was happening in Germany at that time, it shows a tolerance that no other country would show.  We sometimes don't realize how free we are and the ramifications of those freedoms.  Those freedoms have come under fire from the Bush-Cheney administration in the past 8 years.  Hopefully, the current administration will return us to the freedoms that our founding fathers envisioned for us.  When the American Revolution ended, many faithful Torys were rewarded with grants of land on the Canadian side of the Niagara River, opposite Buffalo, NY.  If Dick Cheney had been alive during the revolution, his ancestors would be Canadians.

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