Friday, April 15, 2011

Back to the Ghost Town

Haven't written anything here in a few months. I've been spending too much time on Face Book -- a definite waste of time.

It appears that the GOP wants to bankrupt another generation of Americans. Congressman Ryan (R-Bumf**k, Egypt) has put together a long-term budget plan that continues the deficits for the next 20+ years and relies on the USA being much more prosperous than it ever has been. Dream on.

It's time to pay for our trillion dollar wars and 10 years of tax cuts bestowed by George W. Everyone's in a lather about deficits (Shotgun said "deficits don't matter"). I would say it's time to start paying some taxes and the more you have, the more you should pay. Read the Nicolas Kristof or Paul Krugman articles in the NY Times. I love listening to these young people who are pissed that they have to work 2 or 3 jobs with little or no benefits and then they vote Republican. Amazing

Gail Collins says that retiring Senator Jon Kyl's "single moment of his public career for which he became famous" was when he said that over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does is abortion. Actually, he was off a little. It's only 3 percent. See the article here.

The War of the Rebellion (US Civil War) started 150 years ago this week. Let's hope we don't have another one.

Read an article in the Times this week about WMMT, a radio station in eastern Kentucky coal country near the tri-state area with Virginia and West Virginia. Listened to it last night and this morning on the internet. Quite an eclectic and enjoyable combination of music. I'll definitely be a regular listener.

Stay informed.

If you have complaints above the photo above, send them to Jeff Randle.

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