Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Irish Book of Days

May 23 - As part of a crack-down on seditious activity during Britain's war with France, the Dublin United Irishmen are suppressed (1794).

May 24 - William Trevor, short story writer and novelist is born (1928).

May 25 - The first issue of the weekly suffrage movement magazine Irish Citizen appears (1912).

May 26 - Religious texts for Trinity College are abandoned by an act of Parliament (1873).

May 27 - Mary Robinson, the first female president of Eire, becomes the first Irish head of state to meet with a British monarch when she visits Queen Elizabeth II (1993).

May 28 - Charles Haughey, who will later be acquitted and become Taoiseach, is arrested with Neil Blaney for conspiracy to import arms (1870).

May 29 - James Connolly's Irish Socialist Republican Party is founded (1896).

I got a little behind on this. It was a busy week at work and then 2 days without power. Never take electricity for granted and never watch too much television. Perhaps I'll start updating on a weekly basis.

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