Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Irish Book of Days

May 30 - Wexford Town is captured by United Irish rebels (1798).

May 31 - Helen Waddell, scholar, translator, and novelist is born (1889).

June 1 - De Valera begins his seven-month tour of the United States to raise money and support for the IRA's war against England (1919).

June 2 - The Ireland Act is passed at Westminster, declaring the special relationship of Irish citizens to the United Kingdom and guaranteeing Northern Ireland's status within the UK (1949).

June 3 - The Local Government Act provides for proportional representation at local authority elections (1919).

June 4 - Henry Grattan, the moving force behind the Irish Parliament at College Green before it was dissolved by the Act of Union, dies and is buried - against his wishes - in Westminster Abbey (1820).

June 5 - Christy Brown, paraplegic painter and writer, is born (1932).

June 6 - United Irish rebel outbreaks occur in Ulster and continue throughout June 13 (1798).

June 7 - Novelist and short story-writer Elizabeth Bowen, acclaimed for her fictional representations of Anglo-Irish "Big House" life, is born (1899).

June 8 - William Howard Glover, music critic and composer, is born (1819).

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