Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Irish Book of Days

October 1 - The Royal College of St. Patrick, a Catholic seminary, is opened at Moynooth, County Kildare (1796).

October 2 - Sculptor Seamus Murphy dies (1975).

October 3 - Composer Sean O Riada dies (1971).

October 4 - Lennox Robinson, playwright and one-time Abbey Theatre manager, is born (1886).

October 5 - The police clash with Derry civil rights marchers, giving birth to the civil rights organization People's Democracy (1968).

October 6 - Charles Stewart Parnell, champion of tenants' rights and co-founder of the Land League, often called "the Uncrowned King of Ireland," dies (1891).

October 7 - A cabinet committee is appointed to consider Irish self-government (1919).

October 8 - Sean MacBride, the United Nations commissioner for Namibia, is awarded a half share of the Nobel Peace Prize (1974).

October 9 - The Navigation Act provides that goods imported to any Commonwealth lands shall be carried in English ships only (1651).

October 10 - The Hunt Committee report on Ulster police recommends abolition of the B-special troops and the creation of the Ulster Defence Regiment (1969).

October 11 - The Irish Constitution for the Free State, drafter by the Thomas Cosgrave Dail, is adopted (1922).

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