Saturday, January 14, 2012

There are reasons Santorum lost by a landslide in PA

I see that the conservative, evangelical Christian leaders (I wonder who elected them?) have decided to back Rick Santorum in order to derail the freight train called Mitt.  See details here.  I guess Mitt's not the brand of "Christian" they want to see in the White House and Rick is the best thing they could come to any kind of  agreement on (he is a Roman Catholic, after all).  I'm pretty sure that Newt's been divorced too many times for their liking.

Anyone thinking of voting for Rick should check out his overall record of course, but specifically his earmarks when he was a senator, foundations he has founded to "help" the poor, and the hypocrisy of his personal decision concerning abortion and why he wants to deny that to anyone else in the future.  I find it amusing that the GOP let him crawl out from under that rock he's been using as a hiding place.

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