Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Everts High School Football Team - 1911

The following is taken from The growing up of a City School System:  History of Circleville Schools 1810-1976 by Mr. Virgil M. Cress (an invaluable reference book).  The book was published by the Pickaway County Historical Society in 1979.

Mr. Cress noted the following when discussing the 1911 school year (p. 289):

"I can't resist at this time, of relating the success of Everts High School football team in the fall of 1911.  Considering the opposition, type of football played in those days, the conditions of the fields played on, the equipment used and the coaching received, this team had to be ranked with some of the fine teams that have been turned out in Circleville since the late forties.  I seriously doubt whether any other Circleville high school team ever played an entire season without the opposition crossing its goal.  The record is as follows:

Everts 46 - Lancaster 0
Everts 0 - North High 3
Everts 6 - East High 0
Everts 26 - Chillicothe 0
Everts 5 - St. Patrick's 0
Everts 6 - Wilmington 0
Everts 16 - Lancaster 0
Everts 20 - Washington C.H. 0
Everts 28 - Chillicothe 0

The squad consisted of Leon Friedman, R.E.; Howard Orr, R.E.; Walter Bumgarner and Lewis R.G.; Paul Reed, Center; Geo. Miller and Steinbrenner, L.E.; Lawrence Bowen, L.T.; Harry Moeller and Brower Murphy, L.G.; Milton Friedman, Q.B.; Lewis Holderman, L.H.; Allen, R.H.; harry Moore, F.B.; mcLaughlin L. H and Finney R.E.  Some of the first names I failed to get and some of them played other positions.  These were the only ones listed in the write-ups of the Circleville Union Herald of that day."

The following is taken from "The High School Circle" of December 5, 1905 (also from Mr. Cress' book, p. 259):

Football Days

The football days have come again, the gladdest of the year;
One side of Willie's nose is gone, and Tom has lost an ear;
Heaped on the field, the players jab, and punch, and claw, and tear;
They knock the breath from those beneath, and gouge without a care;
They break each other's arms and legs, and pull joints out of place;
And here and there is one who gets his teeth kicked from his face.

The Freshman and the sophomore, besmeared with grime and mud,
Go gallantly to get the ball and quit all bathed in blood;
The Senior knocks the Junior down and kicks him in the chest,
The High School boy is carried home and gently laid to rest,
While here and there a crowded stand collapses 'neath its weight,
And forty people get more than they paid for at the gate.

(He's in the photo above)
Reid, Clarence A. (1892-1978) — of Detroit, Wayne County, Mich. Born in a log cabin, Saltcreek Township, Pickaway County, Ohio, December 11, 1892. Married to Grace Mapes. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; candidate in primary for U.S. Representative from Michigan 15th District, 1932; member of Michigan state senate 18th District, 1941-48, 1951-52; defeated, 1934, 1938, 1948; Lieutenant Governor of Michigan, 1953-54; defeated, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1962. Member,FreemasonsLionsEaglesElksForty and EightAmerican LegionAmerican Bar Association. Died in 1978 (age about 85 years). Burial location unknown

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